Last Family Skiing Trip at BM 2015

Mar7, 2015

So, if you want to make this family trip happen again, only appeal is not enough. Something interesting might have to add to the trip. Such as download the Trace Snow program to our phones๐Ÿ˜„.

If you don’t want to be so late, then the most family member’s favorite green onion pies with multi grain porridge must be ready before we woke up. Thanks buddy๐Ÿ˜›.

I don’t mind the good weather and nice snow, my only concern about is today will be our family’s last skiing trip for this season, so I have to make sure that no one will miss the snow after the last run. ๐Ÿ’ƒ

Because we have 2 families going together, so the skiing partners increased variable combinations. The 2 cute cousins took the leadership for their moms, led us travelled the most areas of the huge mountains.

We efficiently used our communication tools walkie talkies, so we always can locate each group’s trail.

It was fun and amazing to travel from BM South Base to the Central Base & the North Side. So the ski & snowboard became the most important and lovely transportation vehicle just like the car to the land and the boat to the sea. And at this time, kids are the leaders instead of the parents are the drivers.๐Ÿ˜„

Time goes pretty fast, after the break, I didn’t even feel that we already skied almost 6 hours, when the night ski lights were lighted up. Then I speeded up in order to ski more. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

It was always excited when travelling out. No piano, no violin practice. Eat as much as you can of all kinds of junk food. However, this biggest mountain in Ontario is getting bored for the 2 boys and their cousin. Everybody skied down 1 hour earlier than the agreement ending time except one person.

She was still busy skiing on her trail, she is getting more confident, fast and enjoyable. When her honeydew came to her, she almost reported him that she could ski another 2 hours until the resort closes. But when he watched her ski one round, he happily commented: good job, we can go home now. Well done! ๐Ÿ˜

I would be super happy to hear this any time before. But seems not today. I kept looking back the trails and the mountain as walking to the cafeteria.

Being the last skier of the family to ski down from the mountain is not surprise to my family, it almost happened every single skiing trip in the past. As they said: it’s always very hard to convince her to go skiing, but once she touches the snow, it’s even harder to pull her out from the snow.๐Ÿ˜œ

So I confused the 2 families members, actually I confused myself too, will I be the only one who miss the snow???๐Ÿ˜ถ

No, no matter what, I don’t want to miss you, BM. I will try my best to forget the miraculous skiing fun. Instead I will remember the risky, the cold and the costly. I would rather to visit you in the warm season and go hiking here, but only, I need the majority people to agree. ๐Ÿ˜•



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