Last skiing day in 2015 season

Apr3, 2015







好吧,no mater what, 为了雪季的稍早结束,干杯!🍷




Ski alone @ BM

Mar21, 2015


Last Family Skiing Trip at BM 2015

Mar7, 2015

So, if you want to make this family trip happen again, only appeal is not enough. Something interesting might have to add to the trip. Such as download the Trace Snow program to our phones😄.

If you don’t want to be so late, then the most family member’s favorite green onion pies with multi grain porridge must be ready before we woke up. Thanks buddy😛.

I don’t mind the good weather and nice snow, my only concern about is today will be our family’s last skiing trip for this season, so I have to make sure that no one will miss the snow after the last run. 💃

Because we have 2 families going together, so the skiing partners increased variable combinations. The 2 cute cousins took the leadership for their moms, led us travelled the most areas of the huge mountains.

We efficiently used our communication tools walkie talkies, so we always can locate each group’s trail.

It was fun and amazing to travel from BM South Base to the Central Base & the North Side. So the ski & snowboard became the most important and lovely transportation vehicle just like the car to the land and the boat to the sea. And at this time, kids are the leaders instead of the parents are the drivers.😄

Time goes pretty fast, after the break, I didn’t even feel that we already skied almost 6 hours, when the night ski lights were lighted up. Then I speeded up in order to ski more. 😳

It was always excited when travelling out. No piano, no violin practice. Eat as much as you can of all kinds of junk food. However, this biggest mountain in Ontario is getting bored for the 2 boys and their cousin. Everybody skied down 1 hour earlier than the agreement ending time except one person.

She was still busy skiing on her trail, she is getting more confident, fast and enjoyable. When her honeydew came to her, she almost reported him that she could ski another 2 hours until the resort closes. But when he watched her ski one round, he happily commented: good job, we can go home now. Well done! 😏

I would be super happy to hear this any time before. But seems not today. I kept looking back the trails and the mountain as walking to the cafeteria.

Being the last skier of the family to ski down from the mountain is not surprise to my family, it almost happened every single skiing trip in the past. As they said: it’s always very hard to convince her to go skiing, but once she touches the snow, it’s even harder to pull her out from the snow.😜

So I confused the 2 families members, actually I confused myself too, will I be the only one who miss the snow???😶

No, no matter what, I don’t want to miss you, BM. I will try my best to forget the miraculous skiing fun. Instead I will remember the risky, the cold and the costly. I would rather to visit you in the warm season and go hiking here, but only, I need the majority people to agree. 😕



LD 滑雪记

Feb21, 2015


我家滑雪 trip,LD有时滑,有时不滑。但她滑过科州,弗州,纽约州,BC省,魁省。基本都是绿道,有时被骗上简单蓝道,吓得要死。

多年前,LD在蓝山south base初学道的big baby上,摔了一跤。把下巴磕破了,当时她同事说,永远都会留下疤。LD气死,其实三,四个月后,疤痕就消失了。那天LD是买的discovery的票,在carpet旁的道学完后,我带她上初学缆车,下缆车后,在big baby道上,我还准备给她讲讲滑雪,还准备跟拍。没想到我相机还没准备好,她就直冲下去,根本不拐弯,我在后面都跟不上。终于冲到快到缆车底的那个稍微陡一点的坡,失控摔倒。


上周六,本来计划一家去BM滑整天的,但因我上午有事,不可能一家一起滑整天,只好等下次了.改为我一人去滑夜场,但是car pool怎么也找不着。不能一人开车去呀,突然冒出个想法,拉LD一起去。但没抱什么希望,试试吧。

先跟我家两小子说了,两小子都同意他们单独在家,父母去滑雪。再跟LD说。我举例说老军医和他家LD每周六都去,并且从不car pool别人,我问老军医是不是太浪费车了,老军医说,不浪费,这是太太大人的专座。我跟LD讲,你也享受享受专座吧。LD似乎被说动了。但周五晚上说周六是我家老大的生日,肯定不能去。我心想,小子你哪天出生不好,非得是周六那天?



到了BM的South base,我先带LD到多年前她摔伤的big baby初学道。我还怕她有心理障碍。没想她轻松滑下来,还说,太简单了,终于报仇了。正所谓,君子报仇,五年不晚啦。

回south base吃饭。碰到丁三夫妇,他们也是找不到car pool,于是享受两人世界, 把两孩子扔在家里。丁三那天从早9点滑倒晚10点。
我们滑到last run。离开BM时,山上雪道上的灯都熄了。




这是去年圣诞节她写的蒙城TRIP的流水帐.我看英文一长就晕,看不下去. … tmas-montreal-trip/








今天是本季最适宜滑雪的一天:气温-5~-10C,无风无雪,150cm average base, machine groomed powder,雪道全开。





我向来钟爱细雪绵绵,给繁忙的城市覆盖一层纯情和宁静。如果还能与一位你相识多年的帅哥同行,沿途感受,那一定会有点妙不可言😛。我甚至希望这飞雪能持续不停,或者这旅途能更长些😜。可半小时过后,一过Brampton, 一片晴天,道路畅通无阻。领导只好尽量保持在最低限速,并决定回程将抄远路,以期延长这醉人的驾驶时间😄.


领导从我多年前在South Base 摔过刻骨铭心一跤的Big Baby雪道开始。而我在缆车行进中自信就慢慢升起来了。等我顺利的滑下来,咱不想说藐视这条雪道,但我可以登得更高俯视它。几年后,我终于可以为我滑雪史上的唯一一次失守雪耻了😜。





伴随着夜场的朦胧之美,我们毫无异义的滑完了雪场的 last run. 时间定格在午夜10点.


家离我们越来越近,我很好奇两个宝贝是怎么度过他们的二人世界。听说哥哥准备带弟弟到饭店解决晚餐。是中餐呢,还是西餐?So let’s find it out! 😐

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大概过了半小时,领导好像有点心不在焉,左顾右盼地说:我得找个地方停下来,“亲你一下”。😳😳 天啊!这个想法也太疯狂了!为了这要停车?是真的吗?我脸肯定是红了,心跳也有点加速😊。心想如果今天不来滑雪,将是多么巨大的损失啊!二十年后,我嫁的人终于开窍了😳?我真的好兴奋啊😄!可还是故作镇定轻声说了句:不用特意停车吧?



当你真的停下来,你认真的说了,我也仔细听了,可实在是太混淆了😖,只能凭我的自信心了😏。可你一把抓起雪铲,直接开门就出去了😦。Buddy, 你就不能趁机再混淆一下吗,情商就这么低吗?尴尬和失落中我认了,再过二十年你也变不了哪去😕!

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Jan11, 2015 @ Blue Mountain

Due to a super early 2015 BM Season Pass purchase on March of last year, so these season pass owners deserve 2 free Day/Night lift tickets @ BM until the end of January.

Due to the G4 & G5 Snow Pass benefit, those lucky G4 & G5 kids are free to ski 3 times at almost all the ski resorts in Canada. 😃😄

Due to the new trails added at BM, our family CSIA ski instructor hasn’t experienced the mountain face yet. 😗

Due to a ski friend who offered a precious Double Down tickets at great price. 😊

Due to the Junior tennis league was skipped this weekend. 😏

Due to the excellent ski weather (-4C to -6C). Why not continue the cold like yesterday @-17C😏

Suddenly so many free tickets come to us today at this cool weather 😁. It looks like the day will be in big trouble unless spending on the mountain . 😶

Manager already packed all the equipments in the car @ 7am. However people start to load in the car @ 9am.😕

I start to sing nicely and loudly immediately when our car moved, so no one hear any complaints. 😄

Even though our manager brought all my equipments, I still decided not to ski today. One reason, I try to balance our family ski emotional state; Other reason, BM is much smaller than most of the mountains that I have skied in the past.😜

But I didn’t presume that I can regret my decision so quickly. After few rounds, everyone start sending messages and telling me how good the snow and trails are, they consider this is the best skiing day for this season so far 😩. Don’t worry, the cafeteria is good too, nice and warm. Plus I can easily meet many Toronto skiing friends. 😊

Your pizza is ready! It’s your guys favourite time as I know, especially when we are complete just like the awesome whole pizza. And I believe this is also the main idea that your guys want me to be with you😋.

Buddy, I do understand that you had fantastic time when you snowboarded alone last week @ BM, you didn’t waste any single minute and the fun was full filled your time as well, but I am pretty sure not at the break time. Coz if didn’t you miss someone, you should miss the whole pizza, as it’s been our family traditional ski resort order. 🍕

I admit that we wasted a lot of skiing time on Montreal trip last week, but it’s over, forget it. we continued at BM.

I know your guys tickets are valid until 10pm today, but you can stop at any time, it’s already 6pm, guys, and you still want to ski? 😮

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Skiing continues at BM

Jan2, 2015

If you think after skied 6 days straight in Quebec, followed by 7 hours of driving, someone still wanted to ski in Blue Mountain the following day, that was a joke, then you are wrong.

Good thing the following day was the New Year, and there was a family celebration party, so the crazy idea was quickly submerged by the expectation of the party with plenty of food and red wine.😄

Food was delicious and tastier than ever. However, someone seems to get more energy after the party😏. So the invitation came just the next day of the party when we were at work. Sorry buddy, not me, and not children either. There will be only your dear brand new snowboard who will accompany you on the cold mountain. 😶

I have tons of cleaning work at home after the trip. I am not responsible for the ski and ski boots; but I am responsible for the helmets, goggles, mask, gloves, socks and many more.

As I am emptying all the luggages and pockets, the Trail Maps everywhere. Most of them are more than 2 copies 😯.

Actually it’s not surprise for me, as I have been seeing this for years. So I have to consider this is your hobby buddy, just like some people who collect cars, wines and stamps. 😳

As almost a senior skier, you are an expert on reading trail maps. Whenever we arrived at a resort, it doesn’t take your time on finding right trails. However, it always takes much longer time on reading trail maps when we get home.😶

You gathered you sons, recall all the trails that you have skied. So many times, you were telling me that you have excellent memory on the skiing trails, you can clearly tell most of the trails that you skied few years ago, well not the trails we hiked even last year. 😕.

So basically we have quite big amount of skiing trail maps at home, you sometimes read them happily. And I wonder if those trail maps are even more attractive to you than the pictures that we took. 😕

The next is our skiing tickets. I think it’s my mistake that I never come up a hobby to collect them. The amount should be even bigger than the trail maps. Because our family will have 4 tickets in each resort vs. 1 trail map 😏.

Besides, unlike the the trail maps, they are only a piece of boring paper. Skiing tickets are quite different in each resort. Some resorts using plastic rings, some using metal pins, but they’re both super strong. You can’t remove them without a cutter. That’s the reason why we always have a bunch of tickets which remain on our snow jackets after each trip.

In addition, some resorts using card which can be kept inside your pocket, it will be scanned when you are passing through prior the lift. This is cool, you won’t have hanging tickets scratch your face problem. But you have to make sure that you don’t put the card together with your cell phone, otherwise it will cause delays in the busy line.

Now, I have taken off all the tickets from our snow jackets. When I put them together, it shows different colors, designs, types, resorts and dates. It was beautiful and cute. However it is also really costly 😩.

I would like to start my first ticket collection hobby from now onwards. However, my goal is not to collect more, but to collect less year by year. And good luck for me! 😋

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