Last Family Skiing Trip at BM 2015

Mar7, 2015

So, if you want to make this family trip happen again, only appeal is not enough. Something interesting might have to add to the trip. Such as download the Trace Snow program to our phonesπŸ˜„.

If you don’t want to be so late, then the most family member’s favorite green onion pies with multi grain porridge must be ready before we woke up. Thanks buddyπŸ˜›.

I don’t mind the good weather and nice snow, my only concern about is today will be our family’s last skiing trip for this season, so I have to make sure that no one will miss the snow after the last run. πŸ’ƒ

Because we have 2 families going together, so the skiing partners increased variable combinations. The 2 cute cousins took the leadership for their moms, led us travelled the most areas of the huge mountains.

We efficiently used our communication tools walkie talkies, so we always can locate each group’s trail.

It was fun and amazing to travel from BM South Base to the Central Base & the North Side. So the ski & snowboard became the most important and lovely transportation vehicle just like the car to the land and the boat to the sea. And at this time, kids are the leaders instead of the parents are the drivers.πŸ˜„

Time goes pretty fast, after the break, I didn’t even feel that we already skied almost 6 hours, when the night ski lights were lighted up. Then I speeded up in order to ski more. 😳

It was always excited when travelling out. No piano, no violin practice. Eat as much as you can of all kinds of junk food. However, this biggest mountain in Ontario is getting bored for the 2 boys and their cousin. Everybody skied down 1 hour earlier than the agreement ending time except one person.

She was still busy skiing on her trail, she is getting more confident, fast and enjoyable. When her honeydew came to her, she almost reported him that she could ski another 2 hours until the resort closes. But when he watched her ski one round, he happily commented: good job, we can go home now. Well done! 😏

I would be super happy to hear this any time before. But seems not today. I kept looking back the trails and the mountain as walking to the cafeteria.

Being the last skier of the family to ski down from the mountain is not surprise to my family, it almost happened every single skiing trip in the past. As they said: it’s always very hard to convince her to go skiing, but once she touches the snow, it’s even harder to pull her out from the snow.😜

So I confused the 2 families members, actually I confused myself too, will I be the only one who miss the snow???😢

No, no matter what, I don’t want to miss you, BM. I will try my best to forget the miraculous skiing fun. Instead I will remember the risky, the cold and the costly. I would rather to visit you in the warm season and go hiking here, but only, I need the majority people to agree. πŸ˜•



Happy February


There are so many reasons to make February be my favorite month.

It starts from the most romantic Valentine’s day and my buddy’s Birthday at the same day. What a efficient day.πŸ˜„

Followed by it’s Canada Family’s day. It definitely makes Canada’s winter warm and comfy. Regardless you stay home or go out, family will be always together. 😊

Then it’s Chinese New Year! You will feel that you are so important to your family just as the family to you. You will do as much as you can to get closer to your family and friends in China. It’s the biggest day of the year to me.πŸŽ‰

The February fun will never been done until your birthday comes at the end, my dear son. It’s the most important day of all to me.πŸŽ‚

The more you grow the more nervous for me to celebrate it.

Due to your busy school schedule, we missed your last Bday, but you found a pretty good first coop job at your age 19. Wouldn’t be a better birthday gift. 🎁

Before your 20th Bday, you found your 2nd job which you are enjoying a lot and you are also able to live home for 4 months. So celebration becomes my lovely job.

I am not sure if a Bday cake will still work to you this year, but go ahead to pick a nice one. I didn’t even think about any others gifts. Nothing comparable to have a candle light dinner with hotpot as suggested by the UM parental group at Wechat and your dad. Great idea! Thanks dear parents!

I found your happy face when you blowing the candles. And that’s exactly what I expected. As long as the cake and candles are still attractive to you, I will always celebrate it in this way. πŸŽ‚

Along with the steaming hotpot and candle lights, you opened up topics about your school, your work, your future and your plan. What a nice chat!😊
It’s the most quiet and meaningful Bday. 🍲

At the end, I decided to send to you all the journals that I wrote about you as my special gift at your 20th Bday. πŸ“

I hope there were a lot of wonderful memories when you look back; I also hope there are many plans and dreams when you look forward.

Snow is coming lesser, However skiing is becoming more frequently. A busy and short February is gone by reluctantly, but if it always brings the beautiful Spring to us, then we will just look forward to the next February.



Cooking Beef

Dec04, 2014

There is a girl who againsts beef at her very young age, just because of the smell she doesn’t like. Her parents tried in many ways to convince her. She didn’t make them happy until she got married. (Sorry, my dearest parents)

Unfortunately she married a guy who so loves beef. Then this guy had to give up his favorite food. There was no beef in the their dinner.
For several times, their close friends who knew about this, they brought their home made beef to him when visiting him. There was one time, the beef was brought from Montreal to Toronto. (Thanks our closest friends)

When he had kids, he sometimes found excuse to cook beef for kids, although he was always the one who enjoyed the most. Several times, he cut nicely and tried to feed her with the best piece in front of the kids. He sincerely described: what a beautiful piece, look at the cut, it’s so cute. Unfortunately he never succeeded.
However, picking a best piece with emotional expression has been their family, especially kid traditional funny opening remarks for every beef dinner. (But sorry lovely kids)

After another many years marriage, his favorite food still stays the same. One day she cooked beef for him, he was so so touched, he ate the dinner not only by his mouth but also by his eyes. He was looking at her happily the whole dinner time.

Today, she cooked again. Even though she doesn’t know the taste, but she is confident for the person who will taste, all because there is one special ingredient was added, and that is magic!


Happy 10th Birthday (1)

Welcome Richard

From the decision made to have a second child in our family, it has passed 10 years. However I still remember the conversation between a husband and wife.

That was a warm and sunny afternoon in the beginning of Spring. A husband who seriously loves kids set a formal meeting with his wife.

After being negated for more than 10 times during 2 years. This time, he prepared all the answers for any possible questions and concerns from his wife.

#1,All our friends & classmates in China only have one kid, why we choose to have 2?

*Don’t compare with other families, kids will only be in our family, nothing to do with others.

**We are in Canada, we have more than 1 kid option, we should be grateful and cheerful.

#2, It’s just the time for us to relax and travel, if baby comes, then no more travel.

* I promise that our family still can travel and travel anywhere you like, it will just delay for 3 years.

#3, We will have to pay a lot to daycare, our finance will go down?

*Our life quality will remain the same, we might just extend to pay off our mortgage 3 more year.

**In addition, baby can become our motion to make money.

#4, we won’t have time for Charles, it’s not fair for him.

*Charles is 8, he is grown up, he lives at night without mom since he came to Canada. He managed his schooling all by himself from G1-G3. He became more independent. It’s good a thing for a boy.

( tears come in my eyes, all because mom worked at PM shift in that period. Thanks God it was over)

#5, I am old, I will be very tired taking care of kids.

* I have checked, your age is just right.

** You will become even younger being with kids

#6, we already have a lot of arguments in our family, it might increase more.

*Oops, don’t think all arguments are bad, it’s also part of life. Sometimes we even get more closer after argument, right? πŸ˜‰


The husband added at the end:

You always say you love Charles, actually, mostly this baby is made for him, not for us.

Because Charles will have a immediate sibling in his life, this is the best we can do for Charles

I think I was convinced, especially by his last point. I so love Charles, I would like to do anything good to him.

So we I invited our parents the 3rd time to visit Canada. After the nice tour, we planned you, Richard.

Only one month later, you started being with us. 9 months after, from the first sight we see you, 10 years time, love,laugh full of our house. Every day you proof the decision made was incredible.

Thanks God to make all these happened!

To be continued……

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Canada Day Long Weekend 2014

After several invitations, Charles, unfortunately our family still is not able to go to Ottawa to meet you there. This is because several events fall on this weekend: Helen family moves to their lovely new house; a major wedding; Richard/ Herbert tennis tournaments; one of our best family friends come from Montreal.

We do really appreciate your kind invitation and wonderful arrangement for us to have a tour in Ottawa. We definitely will try to make it happy on next long weekend in August.

Now it’s the time for us to welcome you back home. We are all excited!

Richard can’t wait to show you his several awards during your 2 months away, especially his Principle Award that he just got it at the last week of his Grade 4. He was even more excited to be granted the Minecraft game by mom.

Herbert is also eager to meet you. He is going to share with you some ideas which related to your field.

Mom is still busy as usual. But this time, she is not only going to clean the house, decorate the rooms; he is not going to keep buying and cooking your favorite food either; she is preparing herself to be a happy and beautiful mom.

Time never been wrong, thing never been done. Everyone appreciates their lives as their own ways.

—-After 3 and half years hard working, Helen family deserved a awesome house.

—-By canceling a tennis tournament in order to help Helen family’s moving, Herbert is greatly appreciated for both financial and physical supports on Helen’s new home.

—-Words can not express our family’s gratitude to Helen’s family who has been extremely helping our family during the time living with us. We wish them a joyful and blessing life and I am sure they will do.

—-Helen family moving begins

—-Charles is 2hrs on the way home

—-Richard tennis lesson is almost done

My writing along with the awesome weather at the Applewood tennis club house has to cut off. However our family long weekend celebration will move on.

June27, 2014 @8pm

